Guitar Chord Radiohead - Molasses And Song Lyrics
C F D# G x4
C F D# G
shake hands , genocide
C F D# G
C F D# G
jet - powered caravans
C F D# G
C F D# G
i’m too good
C F D# G
you’re stuck on
C F D# G
rent free earthquake zone
C F D# G
Cm ( Dm D#m Dm Cm A#m ) x2
C F D# G
i need someone else’s
C F D# G
C F D# G
starving waitresses
C F D# G
in plasters
C F D# G
fat houseflies
C F D# G
C F D# G
we’ve been stitched up
C F D# G
Cm ( Dm D#m Dm Cm A#m ) 4x
note : the part between the parentheses ( Dm D#m Dm Cm A#m ) is very fast/hard to play
and therefore optional . if you do play it , play the Dm and D#m on the 5th and 6th fret .
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