Guitar Chord Radiohead - Knives Out And Song Lyrics
intro :
Am G F F F
Em D C#m6
Am G F
i want you to know
Em D C#m6
he’s not coming back
Am G F
look into my eyes
Em D C#m6
i’m not coming back
F#m F#7/E
so knives out
Bm B/A
catch the mouse
don’t look down
shove it in your mouth
if you’d been a dog
they would’ve drowned you at birth
look into my eyes
it’s the only way you’ll know i’m telling the truth
so knives out
cook him up
squash his head
put him in the pot
intro :
Am G F F F
Em D C#m6
i want you to know
he’s not coming back
he’s bloated and frozen
still there’s no point in letting it go to waste
so knives out
catch the mouse
squash his head
put him in the pot
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