Guitar Chord Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black - Rock On The Beat And Song Lyrics
santoz : hey people . . whatzup?!
this is bondan prakoso and fade2black . . representina
now . . you check this out . . yo titz , hit the beat!
santoz : i represe’ent . my name is santoz .
i rock on the mic with bondan p are o .
what a big deal ) , terserah kau ucap apa . .
tak banyak yang kau bisa karna aku punya karya .
lezz : its time to me , my name lezzano .
i rock on the mic with t . i . t . o . mono , stereo ,
i fxxk the beat , ow!! yo . . yo . . yo . . its time to go . . aww!! . .
santoz&lezz : yes . . yes . . ya’ll . .
we rock on the beat . my brother bondan in it . . ( in it ) .
yes . . yes . . ya’ll . . itas da rhyme in spit .
my man tito , beat maker shit!!
Am G F
mr . B : words are floating in the air .
with the tone burns like a flare . bring the challenge
E G#dim7
to the top . yeah we gonna rock the world and we won’t stop!
Am G F E
this is a song for the downhearted . .
and you donat have to worry . . coz weare gonna rock
the world!!
santoz : yo ladies and gentlemen . bondan . . hit it!!
mr . B solo
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Kunci Gitar Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black - Rock On The Beat
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